Author/Co-Author Registration Fee Includes:

  • Kindly wait for the registration in ICOSTEM 2023 for further notice.
  • Kindly do the payment only by transferring the amount to the Canara Bank Account number, Don't transfer the amount using the link other options.
Author(s) / Registration SERF Life members Non-SERF members After May 15, 2023 After June 15, 2023
Non-Indian Guests Direct arrival in Thailand
Faculty members 61500 64000 As per hike in air tickets
Scholars 61500 64000 As per hike in air tickets
Others 61500 64000 As per hike in air tickets
  • For students registering late an extra amount of Rs.500/- will be charged.
  • Registered members are asked to intimate about the registration immediately
  • After completion of registration fee process, participant are required to send the scan copy of the registration fee receipt or transaction proof to us on or before the last date of registration.
  • Any modification in the paper will be not accepted after the final submission date.
  • For a Paper Maximum Upto 3 Authors/Co-Authors are Allowed.
  • For Attending the conference Only 1 Author or Co-Authours will be allowed if extra members are intrested to attend,extra Charges of Rs.4000/- per person will be charged
  • For group discounts, contact Program Manager
  • For further queries regarding the accommodation, feel free to email us
  • All accepted and presented papers shall be published in SCI/SCOPUS/UGC/Web of Science Proceedings or Journals

Bank Details

Shanti Educational Research Foundation, Jaipur, India